Common Law claims: minimising risk


So you're an employer and you've received a workers' compensation damages claim from one of your workers – what do you need to know and, even more importantly, what can you do to minimise the risk of it happening again?

Window cleaners

In this webinar proudly co-presented with WorkCover Queensland, Hughes & Lewis lawyers, Jason Lewis and Kara Thomson, walk you through the thought processes that Courts apply to these claims.

They give real-life case examples, their thoughts on the pitfalls you should be aware of and some practical advice on steps you can take to best protect your workers from injury – and yourself from liability.


About the webinar presenters

Kara Thomson is a Consultant of Hughes & Lewis Legal and Vice President of the Queensland Law Society

Jason Lewis is a Director of Hughes & Lewis Legal


About the author

Belinda Hughes is a Director of Hughes & Lewis Legal


Cover image: Photo by Andrew Coop on Unsplash