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Will Kara be the next Leneen Forde AC WLAQ Woman Lawyer of the Year?

Our fingers are firmly crossed for Kara Thomson who is a finalist for the 2023 Leneen Forde AC WLAQ Woman Lawyer of the Year.

The Women Lawyers Association of Queensland promotes the interests and advancement of Queensland’s female legal practitioners.

The Leneen Forde AC WLAQ Woman Lawyer of the Year is awarded to a female practitioner who has achieved a high level of skill and/or office in her chosen field and contributed to the advancement of the women generally and/or within the legal profession.

Previous winners have included former Queensland Law Society President Megan Mahon, Margaret Brown, The Honourable Ann Lyons, Professor Rosemary Hunter, Susan Francis, Clare Endicott, Rachael Field, Samantha Betzien, The Hon Justice Sue Brown QC, Dr Kerri Mellifont QC, Anne-Marie Rice, Bridget Cullen, Rebecca Treston QC and Jamie Shine.

Kara, who has been a valued colleague at Hughes & Lewis Legal since 2020, has had a long and distinguished career in law and is the Immediate Past President of the Queensland Law Society.

We congratulate Kara and the other finalists, Olamide Kowalik and Michelle James. It is a wonderful acknowledgment of their contribution to the profession.

The awards will be announced at the 45th Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday 14 October.

About the author
Jason Lewis is a Director of Hughes and Lewis Legal
