Hughes and Lewis | Personal Injury and Insurance Law Brisbane

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COVID-19 update

As a young legal startup, we are so grateful we were in the right place at the right time — technological advances enabled us to set up a practice we would never have been able to imagine ten years ago.

From the outset we instituted a paperless practice which delivers insurance legal services online from anywhere in the world we choose to log in to our laptops. Hughes and Lewis Legal is also unencumbered by unnecessary and archaic rituals and processes and our business model is outcomes-driven — getting the right result, efficiently.

Our ability, and that of our clients, to embrace technology and work flexibly means we are extremely well equipped to meet the demands and challenges currently faced by the outbreak of COVID-19. It is important to us that we are able to continue to deliver on client expectations, the expectations of our colleagues and some of our most vulnerable members of society.

We will continue to work with stakeholders as the situation progresses and our team continues to be available in the usual manner.

We hope you keep safe and well during this unprecedented time in our history. 

Image: Phyllis Greene seated at her desk in the study of her home Wynnum 1930, John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland.

About the author

Jason Lewis is a Director of Hughes and Lewis Legal
